Garden Pearl
Specially Bred for HANGING BASKETS and CONTAINERS. A perfect patio plant variety. Garden Pearl is a completely determinate bush tomato with cherry type fruits. This exceptional high yielding variety has a self branching compact habit; the heavily laden side shoots will literally cascade over the edge of the containers and baskets providing an abundance of fruit throughout summer.
Roma VF
Semi-Bush (Semi-Determinate). Almost every home has ketchup. Children love it - it goes with so many things and it's very easy to make. Bred for ketchup, tomato juice or soup making. Tomato Roma is very thick, juicy, nearly seedless and plum shaped tomato with a deliciously different flavour which makes it an excellent variety for eating fresh as well. Tomato Roma is very heavy cropping and disease resistant and can be grown outdoors or in the greenhouse.
Super Marmande
Totem F1
Tumbling Tom Red
Tumbling Tom Yellow
Specially Bred for HANGING BASKETS and CONTAINERS. A perfect patio plant variety. Garden Pearl is a completely determinate bush tomato with cherry type fruits. This exceptional high yielding variety has a self branching compact habit; the heavily laden side shoots will literally cascade over the edge of the containers and baskets providing an abundance of fruit throughout summer.
Roma VF

Super Marmande
Semi-Bush (Semi-Determinate). The favourite large-fruited tomato of Provence. Tomato Super Marmande is distinguished by its irregular cushion shape and touch of pink on the shoulders. Super Marmande is large, juicy, well flavoured fruit and a great improvement over an already excellent variety
Totem F1
Bush (Determinate). A dwarf stocky bush variety, both early and heavy yielding, with large trusses of crimson tomatoes produced low down on the stem. This makes Tomato Totem one of the best varieties for growing in pots, tubs, windowboxes, growbags and in the garden where it is particularly useful if space is limited.
Tumbling Tom Red
(Bush/Basket). A truly trailing tomato. Perfect for tubs and patio containers, cascading out of a hanging basket. Tomato Tumbling Tom Red produces cherry sized, sweet and juicy fruits in abundance throughout the summer. No sideshooting or training required. Tomato Tumbling Tom Red is ideal for early crops in basket and containers.
Tumbling Tom Yellow
(Bush/basket). A truly trailing tomato. Tomato Tumbling Tom Yellow is perfect for tubs and patio containers, or cascading from a hanging basket. Cherry-sized, sweet, juicy fruits are produced in abundance throughout the summer. No side shooting or training required.
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