Mr TK 's Blog - 2 years on and still growing strong.

I started this blog on 7.3.2010 because I used to frequent the Grow Your Own website forum.

I gave a little advice on growing tomatoes whilst learning a lot more about other crops from the experts on there. I soon found that people were asking similar questions about tomato growing, so I thought it would be a lot less work for me to have a blog and direct them to it.

Then I got excited because I had half a dozen followers and a few dozen hits a week. This has grown to nearly 40 followers and 250 to 300 hits a day from around the globe. 

At one time I thought about stopping the blog because it was snowballing and I wondered what else I could post about. I also had taken over an advertising website French Classified which took up a lot of time, then I wrote a little fictional novel. The website pays it's way and the book has had over 3000 downloads, so is also helping with my income. 

Mr Tomato King's blog is just for fun and pleasure and if I kept it going it would mean that I had to get away from the PC and into the poly-tunnel. It is fortunate that every season in growing is different, so there are always different problems rearing their heads. Therefore I can always find something to post about and I also have the previous posts to link back to for standard advice, so it's not really that hard to keep the blog topical.

I have come into contact with some wonderful people because of this blog, I have also picked up some great advice from reading other peoples blog's. So can I say a big thank you to all my followers and people that have taken time to read my post, it is what keeps all us crazy bloggers going.

The Future 
In the very distant future, I will be finishing a novel that I started years ago, after I have finished the sequel to Vantastic France, as a few crazy readers have suggested I do this. The novel that I started years ago was about my time spent in Portugal growing tomatoes. I am sure there will be a little about tomato growing in the book, but mainly it will be about all scrapes that I got into whilst in Portugal. 

The story, which is fact and not fiction starts with me escaping out of the bathroom window down the drain pipe while my ex-girlfriend was attacking the bathroom door with a chopper to get at me. I buy a horse to learn to ride, nearly get trampled to death in a bull run, get fined two melons on the Lisbon suspension bridge for driving over with a lorry overloaded with melons. There is also the funny side to a funeral when the hole is not big enough for the coffin, but if I tell you any more it will spoil the fun. 

So watch this space for  'O Rei Dos Tomates' - The Tomato King


  1. I've certainly picked up some useful tips about growing tomatoes :)

  2. I am glad to hear that Piglet,all your crops are looking great, I nipped over to your blog the other day.


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